Primarily Marmalade (Although Not, Not Really)

This week I have thought of a lot of things to say here. I have also completely failed to write any of them down, which is a shame, because I thought of one quite funny idea for a post, and one quite serious thought-provoking idea, but I don’t have a clue now what those ideas where about. Could have been anything. Funny and thought-provoking is all I know.

This is probably because this week has been pleasantly insane. On Sunday, as usual, church, coffee, and loafing around, helping the sopranos with their secret Valentine’s presents for each other, and then home, where I finally found the time to wash all my clothes and tidy and clean everything post-revision (please tell me it isn’t just me that, come the end of any given exam season, lives in some kind of morass of random bits of paper and arbitrarily discarded special-shabby-warm-revision-clothing). The rest of the week skittered past in a mad rush, fourteen hour days, hours and horus spent in the library, punctured by lots of Things. Rehearsals, lectures, labs, coffee (of course), beer, and Lagavulin (specifically. This week’s new discovery. Despite all the other fairly amazing things that happened, Lagavulin is probably the highlight of the week. Oh my god).

A’s birthday involved apple cake, a tea-cosy which I knitted (and, sorry, forgot to photograph), the most amazing dessert wine to go with said cake, and a pub quiz, which my team won. I never thought, in my wildest dreams, that I’d be on a winning quiz team. I was pretty sure until yesterday that I was basically a sort of pub quiz lurgy, the vast black hole of my ignorance swallowing all possible traces of Quite Interesting knowledge that my friends might possess. Apparently, though, not only do my friends know Lots of Things, but so do I. So it goes.

And then I accidentally went into town, accidentally found myself at a funk/soul night, and accidentally found myself doing rounds, and deliberately got two guys thrown out for hassling me (the usual drunk lad thing, not only invading but laying waste to any sense of personal space I might have), and then accidentally ended up in a staff lock-in.

Deservedly, very hungover today.

In other news I made marmalade a few weeks ago. There are photos. They are in the gallery. They are primarily of fruit, but they’re quite pretty.


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8 responses to “Primarily Marmalade (Although Not, Not Really)

  1. claremohan

    wow – the getting two guys thrown out sounds quite intense.

    Far cry from anything that happens down here where we mostly go to formal, get politely wasted and lounge about in the bar in our gowns looking louche and stupid…


  2. Jenny

    Oh, you know, you go out, you dance, boys tend to get a bit silly. Pretty standard, really. Just normally it’s harder to get rid of them – I just happened to be within reach of the bouncers and H, who works there, was the one who suggested I could actually get them thrown out if I wanted – for some reason it’s very rarely been something I thought of doing before.

    And yeah, it was a pretty random night as these things go, but really good. I love nights that take you by surprise like that, end up going in directions you hadn’t even thought of when you set out. Only problem is you usually find you’re completely wrongly dressed.

  3. ukmikel

    Ah lagavulin,
    Warm peaty smokey nectar. Isn’t it wonderous πŸ™‚ Probably my absolute favourite malt.
    Sounds like a wonderful evening. made even more superb by the fact it was totally unplanned. Excellent.
    Some hangovers are just plain worth it. πŸ™‚

  4. Jenny

    I know, I’ve so rarely had it, I’d forgotten how wonderful it was.

    And yeah, a really good night. A bit surreal, but excellent :). I don’t think any hangover is worth it though, it was horrendous!


    • ukmikel

      I am lucky, I very very rarely get hangovers (once, perhaps twice if I count a mild dehydration headache once) so perhaps a bit of a throwaway comment!

  5. Sounds like one of those crazy student-style weeks that you never imagine actually happen in real life, but somehow you find yourself describing one, with you as the main character.


  6. The tea cosy is decidedly effective and really quite dashing; the marmalade, meanwhile, is delicious.

  7. Jenny

    I still think the best thing about the tea cosy is what I wrote in the accompanying card, but suspect this says more about my knitting than the card…!

    As for this week, aside from A’s birthday, it was really pretty average. I am insanely busy most of hte time, so make up for it by also doing my best to be insanely bad tempered as often as possible…! xx

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